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iRoot BC Release Notes – 13/12/2023

iRoot BC Release Notes – 13/12/2023
February 20, 2024 gnuworld

Release Notes

Product – iRoot BC
Date: 13/12/2023

New Items:

Vendor Statements

  • Standard Business Central did not provide users with a Vendor statement.  iRoot was therefore extended to allow users to create a Vendor Statement so that Vendors can view the invoices and payments, much like Customers can view a Customer Statement.

GGN Numbers

  • GGN numbers that have been linked to a Farm can now be used in Packing list, instead of the GGN number that is received on an EDI file. In order to use this functionality, please contact the Support desk, as there are additional setups (and permissions will be given to specific users) that will need to be setup in order for this new enhancement to work.